Bowen & Interoception with Karen Hedrick

Is this one way that Bowen Therapy helps us feel better?

Karen Hedrick is a past teacher of health sciences, Bowen Therapist and Bowen instructor. In this episode of the BowenBuzz she delves into the world of the inner workings of the body and brain – Interoception.

This may not be a term you are readily familiar with but as a Bowen therapist or body worker I think you will find very interesting.

What is interoception?

It is how we feel the condition of all tissues of the body, not just the viscera (organs) as was sometimes thought in the past.

Interoceptive awareness is achieved through sensitivity to stimuli or sensations originating inside the body. These sensations provide the feedback necessary for trouble shooting and correcting imbalances in the body thereby helping to maintain homeostasis in the most energy efficient manner.

Karen discusses the anatomy of Interoceptive “system” the free nerve endings and insula cortex in a way which gives us a grasp of this fascinating subject.

“C tactile sensory fibres are responsible for pleasant touch, inhibiting actions of nociceptive (pain) sensory fibres, and signalling safety, not danger. They have profound importance for human health as they trigger a general sense of wellbeing”.

Further information on Interoception and how Bowen fits very nicely into mix may be obtained from the following material:

Craig, A D How do you feel? An interoceptive moment with your neurobiological self Princeton University Press 2015

Tremblay, L The Therapeutic Pause in Osteopathy and Manual Therapy – The Somatosensory Integration Time Handspring Publishing Limited 2015

Interoception article